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Floods in Togo

Over 10,000 people are affected by the floods and six people are dead. Roads and railways are impracticable, which caused a lack of access to entire communities, isolating the north from the south of the country. In addition, some 400 houses collapsed and the telephone network was also cut in some flooded areas.

Tipo de evento:Floods
Local do evento:Togo
Data da Ativação da Carta:31/07/2008
Requisitante da Carta:UNOOSA on behalf of UNOCHA-ROWA
Gerenciamento de projeto:Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance


Lake Togo and vicinity Flood Map, 8 August 2008

Direitos autorais: CSA, DLR-ZKI, MDA Federal 2008.

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 16/01/1999, 04/08/2008

Fonte: Radarsat and TerraSAR, background image: ETM+ Landsat.

Flooded areas have been sorted into 2 classes: Red areas represent standing flood waters identified with a high degree of confidence. Blue areas represent pre-flood areas. Flood analysis was made using Radarsat data recorded 06 August 2008, and TerrasarX data recorded 04 August 2008. Preliminary analysis not yet validated in the field.

Direitos autorais: CSA 2008, DLR 2008 Image processing, map created 15/08/2008 by UNOSAT.

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 04/08/2008, 06/08/2008

Fonte: Radarsat-1, TerraSAR-X

Flooded Areas around Lake Togo, Radarsat/TerraSAR-X, 04/08/2008

Direitos autorais: CSA 2008, DLR 2008, MDA Federal 2008 Image processing, map created 05/08/2008 by USAID/OFDA.

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 04/08/2008, 16/01/1999 Supervised classification of pre- (16/01/1999) and post- (04/08/2008) event satellite remote sensing. In red, flooded areas; blue, pre-flood surface water levels.

Fonte: Radarsat-1 and TerraSAR-X; Landsat ETM, 12.5m/pixel and 16m/pixel (ScanSAR) resolution.

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