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Flooding in Niger

Heavy flooding over the last few weeks has left 65 dead and over 100,000 homeless in Niger, caused by a severe rain season and the River Niger bursting its banks.

The capital city of Niamey was struck by the flood waters from the River Niger, and Agadez City in the centre of Niger has also been affected.

The Dosso region has suffered the worst effects of the floods, however, with an estimated ten thousand homes destroyed.

Relief and international aid is being provided to help with the recovery.


Please see here for the SERTIT rapid mapping webpage for this activation.

Tipo de evento:Floods
Local do evento:Niger - Niamey, Dosso, Agadez
Data da Ativação da Carta:28 August 2012
Requisitante da Carta:Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des Crises (COGIC)
Gerenciamento de projeto:CNES


Gaya - Flood extent map, Niger
Scale: 1:50000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 08/09/2012

Fonte: SPOT-5

Tillaberi - Flood extent map, Niger
Scale: 1:5000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 09/09/2012

Fonte: SPOT-5

Gaya - Flood extent map, Niger
Scale: 1:50000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 10/09/2012

Fonte: SPOT-5

Rapid geographic reference map of Gaya, Niger
Scale: 1:20000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 07/01/2012

Fonte: SPOT-5

Rapid geographic reference map of Tillaberi, Niger
Scale: 1:20000

Direitos autorais: KARI 2011
USGS 2001
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: KOMPSAT-2: 30/09/2011
Landsat 7: 18/09/2001

Fonte: KOMPSAT-2
Landsat 7

Flood extent map of Niamey and Niger River, Niger
Scale: 1:20000

Direitos autorais: KARI 2012
German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: KOMPSAT-2: 01/09/2012
TerraSAR-X: 12/08/2012

Fonte: KOMPSAT-2

Flood extent map of Kollo and Niger River, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (2012) - All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official trademark of the Canadian Space Agency.
USGS 2011
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: RADARSAT-2: 01/09/2012
Landsat 5: 25/01/2011

Landsat 5

Flood dynamic map - Downstream of Niamey, Niger
Niger River
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (2012) - All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official trademark of the Canadian Space Agency.
German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: RADARSAT-2: 01/09/2012
TerraSAR-X: 29/08/2012 and 12/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 18/04/2009


Flood dynamic map of Niamey and Niger River, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (2012) - All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official trademark of the Canadian Space Agency.
German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: RADARSAT-2: 01/09/2012
TerraSAR-X: 29/08/2012 and 12/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 18/04/2009


Flood extent map of Niamey, Niger
Scale: 1:20000

Direitos autorais: German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2012
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: TerraSAR-X: 29/08/2012 and 12/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 30/08/2012

Fonte: TerraSAR-X

Flood extent map of Dosso, Niger
Scale: 1:10000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 30/08/2012

Fonte: Pléiades HR 1A

Flood extent map of Agadez, Niger
Scale: 1:10000

Direitos autorais: CNES 2012 - Distribution: Astrium Services / Spot Image S.A., all rights reserved
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 30/08/2012

Fonte: Pléiades HR 1A

Flood impact map - Downstream of Niamey, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: TerraSAR-X: 12/08/2010 and 29/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 18/04/2009

Fonte: TerraSAR-X

Flood impact map of Niamey, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: TerraSAR-X: 12/08/2010 and 29/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 18/04/2009

Fonte: TerraSAR-X

Flood extent map of Niamey, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: German Aerospace Center (DLR) 2012, Astrium Services / Infoterra GmbH 2012 TerraSAR-X images were used
KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: TerraSAR-X: 29/08/2012
KOMPSAT-2: 18/04/2009

Fonte: TerraSAR-X

Rapid Geographic Reference Map of Agadez, Niger
Scale: 1:12500

Direitos autorais: KARI 2008
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 29/03/2008

Fonte: KOMPSAT-2

Rapid Geographic Reference Map of Dosso, Niger
Scale: 1:10000

Direitos autorais: KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 20/01/2010

Fonte: KOMPSAT-2

Rapid Geographic Reference Map of Niamey, Niger
Scale: 1:25000

Direitos autorais: KARI 2009
Map produced by SERTIT

Information about the Product

Adquirida: 18/04/2009

Fonte: KOMPSAT-2

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