Hurricane Fiona in Dominican Republic

Hurricane Fiona unleashed heavy rain on the Dominican Republic,as it made landfall on 19 September.

The storm displaced more than 12,400 people, caused landslides, fallen bridges, road blockages, power outages, interrupted telecommunications, and overflowing dams .

Authorities closed ports and beaches; a tourist pier in the town of Miches was badly damaged by high waves. At least four international airports were closed.

The Dominican Red Cross activated and deployed national teams to carry out sectoral assessments and interventions in health, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion and psychosocial support; especially in the provinces that were most impacted.

Related News and Resources

Type of event
Location of event
Dominican Republic
Date of Charter Activation
Time of Charter Activation
Time zone of Charter Activation
Charter Requestor
UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER on behalf of National Emergency Commision of the Dominican Republic
Activation ID
Project Management
Ramesh Sivanpillai (University of Wyoming)
Value Adding
  • Samir Belabbes (UNITAR)
